— MATTHEW 10:8
1. EasyTithe: You can give online via EasyTithe by clicking the "Give" button below. You can also download the "Easy Tithe Giving" App using the links below. Once in the app, search for "The Remnant Presbyterian Church".
2. Personal Check: If you would like to give/tithe using a check, please send the Finance team (remnantfinance@gmail.com) a picture of the front and back of your signed, completed check to the Finance team, then shred or void the original check.
Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.
Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.
Click to enter a custom amount
1. EasyTithe: Be sure to select "Mercy" from the drop down window.
2. Personal Check: Be sure to include "Mercy" in the memo! Then follow instructions above.
Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.
Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.
Click to enter a custom amount
Associated Fees:
Credit Card: 2.6%
ACH Bank Payment: .75%
Check: 0%
Physical checks incur no fees for our church. For EasyTithe online giving, please note there is an option to pay associated fees in addition to your tithe. We ask you also consider using the ACH direct bank transfer option to save on fees. For more information about online giving through EasyTithe, please read this Online Giving Guide.
For any additional questions, please contact our Finance Team or speak to Annie Kim/Sooyon Park Kim.